The SW11 Collection.
My family have lived within the same postcode for 7 generations. We all went to the same primary school, played in the same parks, walked down the same roads. I’ve always loved history, but personal history is not only fascinating, but is too often lost to history- who records where you would ride your bikes? Or where you grandmother’s fish stall was?

My work attempts to record the personal history of my family in the area, with this particular project focusing on my mother, and the ties she has to SW11. Through her eyes and memories, we get to experience generations of history and memories; grandma’s Bovril drinks, picking berries alongside the train tracks, bike riding in Battersea Park. We see the history of an area lying just beneath the surface, hidden by new building projects, new shop fronts, new amenities.

These locations have been broken up into postcodes; click an image below to be redirected. Also, please note that only four of these photo’s are titled.

© Mia Joseph, 2023